Northwest Exterior Drainage Solutions

Exterior Drainage Solutions - Northwest Drainage

This is our Northwest Exterior Drainage section. Here are all the exterior drainage solutions we provide to our Seattle area customers.

Types of Exterior Drainage Solutions

Dry Well Drain

You don't see these much in the Pacific Northwest, but they are...

Catch Basin Drain

We often time use the catch basin drains when...

Slope Drain

Slope drains are handy when...

Channel Drain

Channel drains are great because...

Gutter Drain

Gutter drains are....

Surface Drain

Surface drains are....

Strip Drian

Strip drains are often found in front of doorways or garage doors

Footing Drain

Here are some more details about a footing drain

French Drain

The French drain is the most popular drain used as it can catch water before it comes up to the surface and discharge it into a storm or sewer drain. Here are some more interesting facts about French Drains...